
Youtube grimm hexenbiest
Youtube grimm hexenbiest

youtube grimm hexenbiest

In another mind-bendingly incurious display, she happily served up answers to Adalind’s suspiciously keen line of questioning about her ex-boyfriend’s dead aunt’s trailer with nary a fluttered eyelash nor a quizzical stare. Juliette’s still not the sharpest tool in Nick’s cupboard of threateningly sharp-looking tools (check out his studded baseball bat this week – very on trend). Before The Season of the Hexenbiest, Juliette’s obsession had manifested in little more than her putting on the slightly uncomfortable face of a woman in the ‘pre’ shot of a digestion-easing yoghurt ad every time Renard was around. The idea of her character being potentially driven mad by the obsession spell (a neat one-two punch delivered by Adalind’s Nick-erasing coma) was a great one, if only the preceding episodes had staged it like that. You could tell the episode was above-par because Juliette’s predicament was written in a way that suddenly made sense.

#Youtube grimm hexenbiest series#

The mid-season finale picked up where Kouf and Greenwalt’s exciting series opening two-parter left off, and made the intervening episodes feel like what many of them were: filler.

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When the words “To Be Continued…” flashed up at the end of the episode, joined shortly by “Sorry”, it was a message of confidence, warmth, and humour to Grimm’s fans.

Youtube grimm hexenbiest